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March 31, 2024

Dear Friends:


We believe that the vision of Good Shepherd to “return to our roots” of children, youth, and families ministry is essential to our mission and the revitalization of Good Shepherd. Over 100 years ago, Good Shepherd’s ministry focus was to be a 7-day-a-week church dedicated to serving the children, youth, and families of Jacksonville. But along the way this vision of ministry was lost.

We believe that it is of the utmost importance to our future to return to our roots and create a first-rate children, youth, and families ministry.

We give thanks for the dedicated hard work of our Children, Youth, and Families Task Force: Keelin Ayer, Kate Medill, Cecelia Evans, Shannon White, Randy Stephens, Austin Rieley, Denise Gilbreath, Michelle Krueger, Malinda Owens, and Lizzie Longenecker. We also give thanks for the support of our elected leadership and clergy who have already given $19,000 to our Children, Youth, and Families Ministry!

We also know that creating a first-rate children, youth, and families ministry will cost money, which will include hiring one or more dedicated and experienced people for this ministry. Our goal is to create a fund of at least $100,000 to begin this ministry.


The Challenge                                                                                                                                           


We challenge at least 40 individuals and/or families of Good Shepherd to commit a total of at least $50,000 for the Children, Youth, and Families Ministry this year. If this goal is met and the commitments are paid by December 31, 2024, we will donate an additional $25,000 for this ministry. These funds will go into a special dedicated account set aside for this ministry. Our ingathering for these commitments and funds will be on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2024.


We are excited about the future of Good Shepherd and our Children, Youth, and Families Ministry! We prayerfully ask that you join in supporting this essential ministry.

Yours in Christ,

Juan Vegega                                                            Hardee Mahoney

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